To help you be in perfect osmosis with your dog.
You have the possibility of doing relaxation sessions with essential oils with your love ball. Your well-being above all.
I'm heading home.
For more information, do not hesitate to contact me.
Pet Sitter
Garde à domicile
Chien : 20 Euros / jours Chats : 15 Euros / jours
Behaviour: Stress, fear, destruction, uncleanliness, aggressiveness, depression...
(Semiology) Behavioral assessment: Puppies -6 months €65 ( Appointment 1h / 1h30 )
Puppies and dogs over 6 months €80 ( Appointment 1h / 1h30 )
Following the appointment, a report will be made with the various solutions to remedy the problems.
Next appointment: 59€ Implementation of therapy. (appointment 1h)
Behavioral follow-up if necessary: 35€
Dog: Session 1 hour 50€ 5 Sessions Package 190€
Puppy: Sessions 30 to 45 minutes (depending on age) €30 5 session package 110€
Adoption help and advice
Support in the choice of your hairball in line with your character and your way of life. Advice on the arrival of the dog or puppy and the behavior to adopt: 90€
Well-being with essential oils
(stress, anxieties, destruction, phobia, relaxation, relaxation...)
By passive diffusion or Nebulizer (depending on the case) and massage relaxing :
Dogs -20 Kg 65€ (1 hour session)
Dogs +20 Kg 75€ (1 hour session)
big dogs 85€ (1 hour session)
Relaxation therapy with essential oils in duet with your dog: 130€ (1h30 session)
Relaxation therapy with dog essential oils: 100€ (1h30 session)
Currently, veterinary medicine recognizes massage as something more complete than a simple relaxation technique. It is administered as a prevention and treatment for countless physical and emotional disorders. To help you improve your pet's quality of life, we've summarized the basic tips for massaging your dog.
In addition to the physical benefits, they bring us peace and well-being. Moreover, these are also suitable for dogs.
Find out what benefits these bring to our pets and how we can do them the right way.
The benefits of massages for our pets.
Just like us, dogs love massages and in addition it helps them enormously in a physical and emotional sense.
In the emotional sense they will feel relaxed, loved and with their inner peace.
Benefits of a massage In the physical sense, here are all the benefits:
Reduces stress. The dog can suffer from stress for several reasons, most of the time related to boredom, lack of physical exercise or mental stimulation. Massages relax, reduce tension and anxiety.
Increases the release of oxytocin.
Oxytocin, also called the hormone of happiness, is released through physical contact and promotes well-being in addition to strengthening the emotional bond that exists between us.
Improves circulation. Massage dilates the blood vessels through which blood flows through the body with much greater ease. This factor will help to avoid cardiovascular diseases.
Helps relieve pain in arthritis. Many senior dogs suffer from joint pain due to the progressive destruction of articular bone cartilage. Massaging this area tends to relieve the animal's discomfort. Remember never to apply too much pressure or directly massage the most delicate areas.
Good to know. Massaging our pet's body can help us detect any anomaly such as lumps, inflammations, scratches or the presence of a parasite such as fleas or ticks hidden in our pet's hair.
Do not be a therapist: remember that you are not a professional and therefore you must forget about intense massages and leave them to professionals.